Naomi Sato, M.D. and Robyn Kimura, M.D., Pediatrics

900 Florin Road, Suite B
Sacramento, California 95831
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(916) 421-8245

Acetaminophen and ibuprofen dosing charts

Web Resources

We recommend the following websites as great sources of information for parents on many topics of your child’s health. -- A wonderful website from the American Academy of Pediatrics addressing many different topics about the health of your child, including common questions, information on diseases, advice on when to call the doctor, development, safety and environment, nutrition, family life, vaccines, and more.

Centers for Disease Control -- current information on disease outbreaks, vaccination recommendations, and information for travelers going abroad.

Safe Kids Worldwide -- information on keeping your child safe at all ages, including poison prevention, safe medication dosing, car and bicycle safety, falls, fire prevention, holiday-specific tips, and more.

Car Seat Safety -- find out if your child is in the right car seat, how to install, car seat recalls, and more.

Product Recalls -- visit the Safe Product Recalls page (child-related products), the US Consumer Products Safety Commission (children’s toys and child safety), and the Food and Drug Administration Recall page (food and drug recalls). 

Breastfeeding -- visit the Office on Women’s Health’s breastfeeding website for more information on why breastfeeding is important, tips for learning how to breastfeed, what to do for common challenges during breastfeeding, and other related questions.

Vaccine Information and Safety
Many parents have questions and concerns about vaccinations and are interested in reading or researching more about vaccinations.  In the age of the internet and the availability of so much information, it is important to make sure you are reading accurate information when it comes to vaccines.  We recommend the following websites for accurate, scientifically-based facts about vaccinations.  As always, we encourage you to bring up questions and concerns about vaccines when your child comes for an office visit.

CDC vaccines and immunizations -- Lists the current nationally recommended immunization schedule which our office follows.  Describes each vaccine.

AAP’s Childhood Immunization Support Program: Information for Families -- A description of the individual diseases and benefits expected from vaccination.

Immunization Action Coalition -- information on each vaccine, including Vaccine Information Statements in over 40 different languages.

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Vaccine Education Center -- Information for parents includes common concerns about vaccines, vaccine safety, and specific information about each vaccine.  This site does not receive funding from vaccine manufacturers.

Vaccinate Your Family -- The Every Child by Two site serves as a central resource of vaccine information for parents.  The site links to the latest research and studies about vaccines, an interactive timeline on the benefits of vaccines, information about vaccine safety and ingredients and the importance of adhering to the recommended schedule.

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