Naomi Sato, M.D. and Robyn Kimura, M.D., Pediatrics

900 Florin Road, Suite B
Sacramento, California 95831
Google Map
(916) 421-8245

Outside view of office Waiting room Front desk


Welcome to the website for Dr. Naomi Sato and Dr. Robyn Kimura’s pediatric office!  We look forward to helping you keep your child healthy.  Dr. Sato and Dr. Kimura are board-certified pediatricians who care for children from birth to 18 years of age.  Our office is located in the beautiful Greenhaven-Pocket community of Sacramento, California.

This website provides information to our new and existing patients and includes everything from basic office information (hours, location, insurances accepted, financial and billing policies, etc.) to links for forms you can fill out in advance of your child’s visit, the well check and vaccine schedule we follow, helpful links to other websites, Tylenol and ibuprofen dosing charts, and most importantly, a link to the Patient Portal.  Our Patient Portal allows you to securely access much of your child’s medical information electronically via the internet, plus request well check appointments and securely message our office.  For more information on what you can do and how to access the Patient Portal, start by visiting the Patient Portal page.  If you already know how to access the Portal, click here to go directly to the Patient Portal. Thanks for visiting! We hope you will find the website useful and easy to use.  If you have any suggestions or comments on things we can add or how we can improve the site, please give us a call or let us know at your next office visit!


Our office will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025.  If your child is ill and you need advice, please visit our After Hours page for information on contacting the on-call doctor.

Check out our updated and improved Patient Portal (active as of June 2023)! You will need to create a new portal account to access your child’s health information.  Please call our office at 916-421-8245 or stop by the office to obtain a PIN to activate your account. Your identity will be verified prior to receiving a PIN.

February 12, 2025 -- Check out these new and updated articles on
Bird Flu (Avian Influenza): Facts for Families
8 Parenting Goals to Start the New Year Strong
Gastroesophageal Reflux (GER) & Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
Gas Relief for Babies
How Do I Keep My Children Safe and Warm During Winter Power Outages?
Wildfires: What Parents Need to Know
How to Build a Disaster Emergency Kit or “Go Bag” for Your Family
Understanding Disasters: Your Family’s Preparedness Needs
How to Treat & Control Eczema Rashes in Children
How to Tell if Your Breastfed Baby is Getting Enough Milk
The Effects of Caffeine on Kids: A Parent’s Guide
Medicaid & the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP): 5 Facts for Families
Pollution & Children’s Health: Why Kids Need a Clean Environment
Muscular Dystrophy in Children & Teens: Information for Families
The Importance of Testing for Fragile X Syndrome
Motor Delay Testing Tool
AAP Birth Defects Resources Page
Video: Where to Start Conversations About Suicide
Suicide Prevention: 12 Things Parents Can Do
Feeding Your Family: Help is Available
Video: 11-Year-Old’s Fight Against Genetic High Cholesterol
Video: Why follow the recommended vaccine schedule for my child?
Video: Making connections at college
HealthyChidlren Podcast Episode 27: Potty Training: How to Know When Your Child is Ready & More Tips
HealthyChildren Podcast Episode 28: Eczema or Atopic Dermatitis in Kids: Causes & Treatments
HealthyChildren Podcast Episode 29: Concussions: How to Know When Kids Have Them & What to Do
HealthyChildren Podcast Episode 30: Vision Screening: How to Know If Your Child Needs Glasses E-Newsletter January 2025: How To Be Ready for the Most Common Disasters in Your Area

Check out these articles from the Child Mind Institute
Teens and Romantic Relationships - Some Dos and DON’Ts to share with your teens
How to Talk to Kids About Sex and Consent - When it comes to sex, setting boundaries and respecting them are both important
How to Support a Friend Who Is Struggling - While still taking care of yourself
How to Support a Sibling Who’s Struggling - If you’re worried about your sibling’s mental health, here’s how you can help
How to Help Your Teen Through a Breakup - Powerful emotional plus social media make teen breakups messier than ever
How to Help Kids Who Are Lonely - What parents can say to kids who are struggling socially and how they can help
Problems With Coordination - Children with poor motor skills may have developmental coordination disorder, or dyspraxia
Complete Guide to Developmental Milestones - A guide to normal childhood development that can help you recognize when your child might need professional attention
Understanding Dysgraphia - How to help kids who struggle with learning to write
Early Signs of Learning Challenges - Tips that young kids might need support to thrive
What Are the Different Kinds of Learning Disorders? - How they’re recognized and diagnosed
Occupational Therapists; What Do They Do? - When kids show delays in developing skills, OTs are often the first called in
How Much Should You Monitor Your Teen’s Social Media? - Tips for using parental controls and tracking to thread the needle between internet safety and privacy
When Are Kids Ready for Social Media? - And how to monitor social media use when kids are starting out
How Using Social Media Affects Teenagers - Experts say kids are growing up with more anxiety and less self-esteem
How to Help Kids Deal With Cyberbullying - Empowering them with information and strategies to protect themselves
Healthy Limits on Video Games - How to prevent (or overcome) problems with gaming
Media Guidelines for Kids of All Ages - Tips for making sure your children’s screen time is healthy
Common Causes of Behavior Problems in Kids - Knowing what makes kids act out is the first step to finding solutions
Teens and Anger - How parents can model healthy coping skills
How Anxiety Leads to Problem Behavior - Kids who seem oppositional are often severely anxious
How to Model Healthy Coping Skills - Helping kids learn strategies for handling big emotions

If you or your child have respiratory symptoms or COVID-19
Patients 2 years and older and accompanying individuals with cough, runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, or sore throat will be asked to wear a mask while in the office.  If you need a mask but don’t have one, we’ll provide a disposable mask for you to wear.  We thank you for cooperating and wearing a face mask inside our office when requested to do so.

For the latest information on COVID-19 including recommendations for testing, managing exposure to COVID-19, and how long to quarantine, please visit the CDC website ( or call our office. Tips: If you get sick, stay home. If you develop symptoms of COVID-19, get tested.  To protect yourself and your family from serious illness (including hospitalization or death) from respiratory viruses, get vaccinated!

Patient Portal icon

Office Hours

Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays:  9:00AM to 12:00 noon; 2:00PM to 5:00PM
Tuesdays: 9:00AM to 12:00 noon (we are closed on Tuesday afternoons)

We are closed on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and most major holidays.  If our office is closed, your child is ill and you  need advice that cannot wait until regular office hours, please follow the After Hours instructions for contacting the on-call doctor.

Our Address and Phone

Naomi Sato, M.D., and Robyn L. Kimura, M.D.
900 Florin Road, Suite B
Sacramento, CA 95831
(916) 421-8245

We are located in the Greenhaven-Pocket neighborhood in south Sacramento, off Interstate 5, Florin Road West exit.

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